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THIS IS THE HUB TO SOURCE ALL the TWFJ Ministry materials you will need  to run courses, take small group training and walk alongside individuals.


In addition do CONTACT US and we will help you create the most effective timetable

and adjust the material for your initiative.


Go to the shop to find the manual in both paperback and audio versions.


We have available the resources to run courses  including notes, timetables,

powerpoints, handouts and supporting material for leaders as well as one to

one cards to support ministry to individuals.


We are expanding our range of material all the time.


There is a new Group study TWFJ  BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS which comes complete with all the supporting material you will need. A further study on the TOOLS of TRANSFORMATION is planned in the coming months.


There are already a large number of videos on our Youtube channel …. The Waterfall Journey. Use the link button on the Home Page to browse what is on offer. 


The material will be available on Dropbox. To access it email us at thewaterfall for the link.




We want the material to be freely available as this teaching is God’s heart and changes lives. However, we would ask that you acknowledge the source and consider making a donation to the ministry.


Money though is not an issue it is far more important to spread the truth God has given us .

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To access any of these listed resources please email us on and we will send you the appropriate link.

A Dropbox account is not required.


TWFJ Course  - versions for both Zoom and in person available.


TWFJ One to One Cards - helpful illustrations to support one to one ministry


TWFJ BIBLE STUDY - BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS - a study for individuals or small       groups. There is a study booklet including. leader's notes and PowerPoints for each session.


There will be at least 2 other studies .... The tools of Transformation and Living in the Waterfall

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                        AND IN PERSON COURSES


TWFJ ON ZOOM - everything required for the TWFJ course on Zoom including timetables for different formats, powerpoints, participants' booklet and handouts.

nb. the PowerPoints are all adapted to fit the zoom screen and with reduced font sizes to allow for close viewing.



  • Timetable for 2 day weekend

  • Timetable for 3 day weekend

  • Timetable for 5 x 2 hour sessions

  • TWFJ Booklet for Participants

  • Handout - Declaration of Intent

  • Handout - Occupation and Education Questionnaire

  • Handout - Spider Diagram

  • Handout - HDIDT Take Jesus There

  • Handout - HDIDT Forgiveness

  • Handout - Forgiveness illustrations

  • Powerpoint - 1 God's Story

  • Powerpoint - 2 The Waterfall Journey

  • Powerpoint - 3 Exploring Your Story

  • Powerpoint - 4 Erikson

  • Powerpoint - 5 The Waterfall - Emotional Consequences

  • Powerpoint - 6 Spider Diagram - Introduction and Feelings

  • Powerpoint - 7 Thinking and Choices

  • Powerpoint - 8 Rectifying Thinking

  • Powerpoint - 9 Forgiveness

©2020 by The Waterfall Journey. Proudly created with

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